Summer Reading: The Stranger and Count Me In

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The Stranger, by Albert Camus

The Stranger was a very unique and interesting book that was from the point of view of a man who lacked ambition. The man described physical detail of his life in great detail whereas descriptions of social interaction were minimal. This unique writing approach made this read very enjoyable and it helped me truly understand the emotions and inner thoughts of the man.

--submitted by Taeyoung L.

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Count Me In, by Varsha Bajaj

The book Count Me In by Varsha Bajaj was an inspirational story about spreading awareness about hate crimes and asks the question, what does an American really look like? In the book we learn what reality is and how we can find our voice during tough times. This book shows that there will always be hate in the world, but there will always be love. Overall, I rate this book a 5/5.

--submitted by Meera J.

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Post Author
Krista Hutley
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