Got Stats? 

The library will be closed December 31 and January 1. Regular hours will resume Thursday, January 2. Happy Holidays!

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We have you covered with Statista, our newest database!

Are you an entrepreneur looking to do a deep dive into market metrics, or a student looking to build a persuasive case for an assignment using data? Look no further, as Wilmette Public Library now subscribes to Statista. 

Statista is a powerful database of over 1 million statistics on more than 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources and over 170 different industries, ranging from business, marketing, politics and society, nation briefs, the environment, and much more. No matter what you're looking to accomplish, from building a business plan to researching a school paper - or even just curious about the world, you'll find compelling data to help you better understand issues, make decisions, and form conclusions.  

To access Statista, visit and scroll down to  "Business/Investment Databases" - this resource is available to all inside the library and remotely for all Wilmette Public Library cardholders. 

For more information, please contact John Amundsen, Business Librarian at or call (847) 256-6954.  

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John Amundsen
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