Prusa 3D Printer

Using Our 3D Printers

We have two Prusa i3 MK3S+ 3D Printers, which are located in The Studio on the First Floor. Only designated staff have hands-on access to the 3D printers. To have something printed, fill out the 3D Print Submission Form below.

  • Cost: $0.10 per gram of filament 
  • Material: PLA
  • Print delivery: 7-10 business days
  • Print time limit: 8 hours maximum per object
  • Print size limit: 9.84×8.3×8.3 in (25×21×21 cm)
  • Acceptable file format: STL, OBJ
  • Default print settings: 0.20mm layer height, 15% infill unless otherwise requested
  • You will be emailed when the print is complete and ready to pick up

3D Printing Guidelines

  • The library cannot guarantee product quality, satisfaction, color, equipment availability or stability, confidentiality of design, or specific delivery times.
  • The library reserves the right to refuse to print any item that does not comply with library policy, time, or size restrictions.
  • The 3D printer may only be used to make objects for lawful and appropriate use.
  • Printing fee(s) will be applied to the library card account submitted; a valid library card in good standing is required.
  • The library will hold the completed print for 30 days, after which it will become the library’s property.
  • Files will be deleted when printing is complete.
  • You are responsible for removing rafts and supports, which are included in the cost of the object.

Design Resources

3D Design Software




Free STL Files



3D Printed Assistive Devices

Wilmette Public Library offers a selection of 3D printed assistive devices for daily living, suitable for all ages. 

They can be borrowed via our Library of Things collection, or ordered to purchase via our 3D printing services. 

Learn more about these devices at our webpage

Images of each assistive device with their names underneath them.

Submit a 3D Print

First Name
Last Name
Library Card Number
Phone Number
3D Printer Filament Colors










Upload File

One file only.
50 MB limit.
Allowed types: stl, obj.

What size would you like your project to be printed at?

If choosing a specific size, enter it here using length x width x height in inches.
3D Print Weight Examples (in grams)
3D weight examples



Indicate how many prints of this object you would like, and/or specific print setting change requests here. If submitting a design from Thingiverse or Printables, please include the web page link.